Computer storage is becoming more and more popular to store your data in the cloud. Before you ask, the cloud is the online world, an example is storing your videos on YouTube or photos on Photobucket.
As so many fail to backup their data on their own machines this is in many ways an improvement.
Starting at $14.99 per month*
GStar’s “ONLINE - Offsite” services provides up to (1) Terabyte (1,000 gigabytes) of unformated data storage at a monthly price of $14.99* and with a one-time setup fee of $35.00**. The big sell for this service is that your data is now safe. GStar offers personal security like firewall's, battery backups, hardware redundancy, secured access, data encryption and much more by protecting your data from computer hackers.
Backups are only as good as the routine! Many of you may currently back up your data, but how many of you do this as a daily routine? GStar does just that! The secured backup software uses an auto scheduler. Once you’re setup, you forget it. Believe me, the auto scheduler is a nice feature along with the monthly reports. Plus, GStar is local, if you do experience a system crash, you can retrieve your data extremely fast and have your system up and running within hours*!
How many of you have no backups at all, in which case, you are taking huge risks. How many of you backup to a hard drive that is always kept next to your computer, thus being destroyed or stolen at the same time the backed up computer is destroyed or stolen!
If you are a business or a personal consumer, back up intelligently, put some of your data in the cloud and think about keeping your external hard drive in a fire safe. If you run a business then take the backups home!
* Contact GStar for more detailed information.
** Per commercial PC or single server.
· The 1st BEST thing you can do is backup your data daily and offsite.
· The 2nd BEST thing you can do is occasionally backup your data.
· The WORST thing you can do is having no data backup plan.